Friday, March 26, 2010

Strolling the Street

The 4th Avenue street fair was going on last weekend so we picked up John from work and zoomed down there for a Friday night out on the town. It is beautiful mid 70 degree weather down here and the flowers are blooming everywhere. (Allergies are terrible, but that's another story.)

The fair has all kinds of local artist booths and yummy fair food so we were thinking we'd grab out dinner down there. Of course, I figured Peter wouldn't be able to eat anything so as always I packed him a lunch cooler filled with his dinner and snacks. But wouldn't you know it we found things for him to eat and stuffed him silly!

One of his favorite things was something called a Potato Tornado. Right in front of us they cut a potato in a big long spiral then stuck it on a stick and grilled it in 100% canola oil. Awesome! Peter got to eat fried food on a stick at the fair! I never thought that would happen! YAY! He also got to eat a Reindeer Hot Dog and we all got our own Corn on the Cob. Mommy and Daddy even snuck in some funnel cake while Peter was busy with his Tornado. Yum yum! What a great dinner!

We had fun strolling the nearly 2 miles of street as the sun set. There were lots of fun street musicians to dance to and a lot of people watching. Peter LOVED the hat booth and tried on about 10 different hats. His favorite, and the one he looked cutest in, was a coon skin hat. It looked perfect on him and I ALMOST bought it, maybe next time.

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