Friday, March 26, 2010

Aerospace & Arizona Days

Tucson air space has been invaded! Planes, jets, even thunderbirds invaded our air space last week practicing for the weekend's big airshow at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. John was working and unable to go but I was really lucky that I found some other mommy friends to go with us. All the kids are almost 2 and play together really well so it was a great group outing. One of the moms even had a military ID so we got in the back gate instead of battling the crowds and security sweeps! Woohoo!

Peter was fascinated by the first plane he saw. Wow, he looks tiny next to it.

Peter HAD to sit by his girlfriend Abigail on the shuttle to the airfield.

We were able to look at a bunch of planes up close. Peter loved touching them and peeking inside.

The owner of this plane even let Peter get in the drivers seat! He loved it! Peter wanted to touch all the knobs and instruments. The pilot even showed Peter how to pull the wand back to make the wings move. Wow! Peter excitedly threw that wand back and forth after that watching the wings flap.

Of course, Peter's eye found the one and only shark plane...

We even got to climb onto the wings of some planes and talk to some air force pilots.

The planes started flying shortly after we arrived. They blew smoke lines all over the sky, even in circles. Some even flew upside down. The kids ran to the gate to watch them on the runway.

Peter and Abigail are so sweet together. We asked them to give each other hugs, but they each went in for a kiss!

Peter liked to climb on the guardrail. I was waiting for him to try to sneak through the rails or under them and run out onto the runway. I plotted my method of how exactly I would get my adult body over the rails to run after him. Thankfully, it never happened!

I took a few more pictures, but a lot of them are more of the same. The rest of the airshow was spent like THIS...

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