Monday, March 15, 2010

Baseball With Dad

We headed out to another baseball game this week, with Dad this time. It's been a little crazy weather lately. We will wake up and it will be in the 30's outside so we put on our jeans, long sleeve shirts, coats and tennis shoes. By the time we got to the 1pm game it was in the 70's! We left our coats in the car. Mom took off her long sleeve shirt so I was in my tank top underneath. We slathered ourselves with sunscreen. Then we took off our shoes and socks and walked around the grass in our bare feet.

Peter liked to "climb" the fence and watch the pitcher warm up by throwing the ball back and forth.

I even found him an Arizona Diamondbacks T-shirt the night before at a mom's sale. My boy was rooting on the home team!

We brought a wiffle ball with us and John and Peter played catch on the lawn.

Peter liked jumping on mommy's back whenever she laid down. He yells "back, back!" when he wants a horsey ride.

John had fun soaking up the sun and enjoying his day off. He still looks so young that they carded him when he went to get a beer.

One of our mommy friends came with her 9 month old little girl. The kids liked to trade toys back and forth. Peter is obsessed with their blanket and spent most of his time over there.

He even stole her sunglasses. He's so funny, he never keeps his on very long but will wear other glasses forever! He's such a funny kid!

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