Friday, March 26, 2010

Sabino Canyon With Daddy

Another beautiful day and daddy wasn't working! Peter and I decided to do something special and take daddy to see the rivers running in Sabino Canyon. Besides, it was another excuse for Peter to ride their train (aka tram) into the canyon. Peter had a hard time waiting at the bottom for the tram. He saw it in the distance and wanted to run to it instead of waiting for it to come pick us up.

Daddy took us for a hike through the desert. Yes, there are trees and bushes and even grass every once in a while. Daddy had to be extra careful because his feet would go right though the stray bushes growing into the path and every once in a while if he wasn't careful a branch would swing back at Peter. Peter learned to keep his distance quick.

We broke through the desert trees and found a sandy beach!

Peter was so excited he started running really fast! He is so funny when he runs. He swings his arms back and forth with all his might!

There was a little river at the beach. It was running over a bunch of rocks and sounded beautiful. Daddy and Peter started looking for rocks to skip across the river.

John was amazing at skipping rocks. He got them to skip 3-4 times and land on the beach on the other side of the river.

Peter didn't skip rocks as much as throw them into the water to make a big "PLOP" sound.

We stayed there skipping rocks, digging in the sand, and just enjoying nature for nearly an hour. What a fun memory with daddy!

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