Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Adventures at Home (video)

This week we had some new adventures at home. Peter got to try some Macaroni & Cheese! Ok, so it wasn't was a strange vegan concoction of nutritional yeast mixed with different seasonings, but it was as close as Peter will get for a while. It actually did kinda look and taste like Mac & Cheese though!

Peter loved his cheesy noodles and quickly munched them down. They are kinda expensive so we won't get them a lot, but it was sure a nice treat for my little boy! I also figured out how to make him rice krispie squares this week! That was an instant favorite! And lastly, since it is almost Easter we HAD to buy our first sample of Peeps at the store. It is one Easter candy that he CAN have. Another sweet to be addicted to. This morning he actually ran to the fridge and was pointing at the top going "Chick, chick". Yeah, not for breakfast little buddy!

We also have been debating on when to switch Peter into a "big boy" bed. Some of his friends are already in theirs and when we go play at their house he is so excited to run and jump in their beds. This week he got in one, stuck his feet under the covers and almost fell asleep. I got home that night intent to change his crib into the day bed style so he could have a big boy bed all his own.

Peter LOVED it. He loved having that crib side down and spent a good hour jumping on and off his bed. It was his favorite thing ever. Then nighttime came. We snuggled up to read our stories then I tucked him into bed and turned the lights off. He started yelling. I just kinda waited to see where it would go. He didn't get out of bed he just sat there crying and yelling for mommy and daddy.

Finally I went in and tried laying down on the floor beside him. He just looked down at me with tears streaming down his face and hit the empty "wall" of his crib and yelled "BACK, back, BAAAAAAACK!"

Needless to say, I went to get daddy and we put the crib back together. Five minutes later Peter was happily sound asleep.

Before that though I got a little video of Peter playing with his "big boy" bed. We'll try again someday!

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