Friday, March 12, 2010

Quick Updates

A few quick updates in case you haven't been in the loop...

Our dog Gizmo started suffering from a really bad intestinal infection last week. He was having diarrhea and vomiting then started having bloody diarrhea during the night Sunday. Monday morning we went to a vet who gave him medication and special food for a while. He no longer is bleeding, but is still not quite 100% yet. We are watching him carefully, but he seems to be getting better. I've started putting him away whenever we are feeding Peter. Peter likes to feed Gizmo food and that's just not the best thing for him.

Spring cleaning is in the air. I am currently on a mission to rid ourselves of excess toys and clothes. My closet rods are about to break from being so over-worked. And I am very tired of stubbing my toes on the various toys scattered around the floor. So far I have gotten 2 trash bags of clothes out of my closet and 3 laundry baskets worth of toys out. I am ready to not buy another toy EVER again!!!

John FINALLY got paid. His company "lost" his information for all of February and John basically didn't get paid the entire month. This was really stressful for us! Thankfully, we had gotten our tax refund so we had a little extra cushion to absorb it. In any case, we are happy that the internal errors were straightened out.

Peter is officially 100 weeks old! Yay! I'm thinking that I need to start planning a birthday party soon. I have less than a month until my baby boy is 2 years old. I imagine that we will have a party at the park with some of our friends from the mommy group. I've started a list of present ideas on the side of the website. (Hoping for fun practical things over toys I will be ready to throw away in a few months!) Now I just need to decide if it will be an Elmo birthday or a train birthday...

Jen has just been recruited to be one of the organizers for the Meetup Moms of Tucson. I'm so excited! We go to several events a week and its become a big part of my life. With over 200 families involved it should be fun to be involved in planning some of the outings. Heck, I've been doing it a lot lately anyway, now I will just have the title too!

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