Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nasty Wake Up Call

So this morning I went in to get Peter out of bed but the moment I opened the door to his room I got hit with a rank smell. He had taken his diaper off and decided to poop all over his crib. I am talking he went to EACH corner and pooped and I found him sitting in the middle in a little pile of poop looking kinda lost and confused. YUCK! What a gross way to wake up.

I got him out, cleaned him up and of course I figure there is so much poop in the crib that he can do some diaper free time, right? WRONG!! As I was stripping the sheets he proceeded to poop in the middle of his room. ARGH!!!!

Anyways I had a "shitty" morning. Scrubbing, spraying, sanitizing... I'm thinking if I put him in a onesie every night maybe it will make it harder on him.

PS. This is Peter with his crib. Don't worry the smudge on his lips is just peanut butter!

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