Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Monday night the Meetup Moms had a group outing at Trail Dust Town, an old western style tourist center. They got a great deal, for $5 we got unlimited rides on the train and the carousel and got to have a picnic there. We had such a great time and so many great pictures that I have to divide it up into a few posting! This one is all pictures from Peter's first train ride.

It didn't start until later in the day so John and a lot of the other daddies were able to come to. It was a fun family night out.

The train ride went around the perimeter of the old west town. It went through a ghost town, a few tunnels, past some waterfalls. It was a cute little ride. We went on it twice and will have to go on it again next time we are there!

Peter didn't know what to think about the train whistle. One time we sat right up front and he got to watch it go off. It was loud!

We picked up a good enough speed to get our hair whipping in the breeze!

It was so much fun to go on a train together! And so many things to look at! We liked to wave at our friends as we passed by them.

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