Saturday, June 13, 2009

Everybody Dance! (video)

Some video from our last baby story time at the library. Peter LOVES story time. They sing, dance, and read a book. It's a lot of fun! Peter has no patience to sit with me during the songs. He gets up and runs around the room dancing and meeting everyone.

Peter's quirks from story time:

Every once in a while Peter is thinking about trying to jump. He bounces and his feet are just about ready to lift off the floor!

He likes to try to steal the little girls shoes. They are always so sparkly. He tries to put his feet in them.

He almost always goes to hug and steal the story time mascot, Woody the Bear. This story time Woody became his dance partner. He also tried to give him a kiss!

I need to teach Peter how to do kisses. His kisses are always open mouth and seem more like he's trying to take a bite of your chin! Poor Woody!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dance Peter Dance! Pose, Pause, wiggle that butt, throw that hat, pose, bounce, let's not forget the arms too! Wow what rhythm! I also love the music. My Co-worker said "Go Deanna" because I had the volume up too high..oops. This video is one for the treasure chest.

Nana Palmer