Friday, June 5, 2009

John's 30 Today! (video)

Today is John's 30th birthday! Happy Birthday John! We are planning on having some friends and their families over for a BBQ Saturday night. I've been kinda sick all week so all our cleaning and preparations will be crammed into Saturday morning. Eek!

I got some photos from family of John's past 30 years and made a little slide show. It has been fun to look back at his baby pictures. I think Peter has his cheeks and his belly!

Thank you to John's mom Deanna, Grandpa Martin, Aunt Marilyn, and my mom Cindy for sending some photos to contribute to this. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Jen for putting this together. It is great! We hope your 30's are all you want them to be. Ain't life Awesome...
Love you Lots

Mom and Dad Palmer

Oma Cindy said...

Happy Birthday John! What a great memory video! Have a super weekend and many more happy days. We love you both!

Mom & Dad Ayres