Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Going Huntin' (For Formula)

UGH! Today was an exhausting day. We actually didn't have any activities scheduled for today so I decided to get a pesky errand out of the way.

As most of you know Peter has trouble digesting milk AND soy so our doctor prescribed a special formula to ensure that he gets the proper nutrients and fats. This is EXPENSIVE stuff. We are talking about $25-30 a can and Peter goes through about 10 cans a month.

Thankfully, we qualified to get on the WIC program and they take care of the entire bill!! YAY!! The WIC checks want you to purchase a certain size and a certain number at a time. With normal formula this works fine but the problem I am running into is that since this is a specialized formula not many places carry it, and when they do they don't always have the right size. When they have the right size, they often don't stock enough of it at a time.
The past 2 weeks, every store I go into I look for this Nutramigen formula and haven't had luck. Today I decided to dedicate to finding it. I went to 5 stores before I finally had some success. Dragging a baby from store to store is tiring and difficult. After the second store he just gets cranky and wiggley and wants to run and play. I hope I don't have to go through this every month!

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