Monday, June 15, 2009

Muddy fun!

This morning we went with our moms group to one of our favorite parks. Its our favorite because it has a splash park, picnic tables, a toddler playground, big open fields to run in and kick balls. Basically all kinds of fun things for Peter to do. Today he decided that what looked like even MORE fun than ALL that was THE MUD!!!

There were a couple muddy puddles scattered around our picnic ramada. I tried taking Peter into the splash park, but he didn't want that today. We tried the big open field, only worked for about 5 minutes. Then Peter found the mud. First he got his shoes in it and started wiggling his toes.

Then he got a stick and started pushing the mud, dirt, and rocks around. Then he gave up on the stick and just stuck his whole hand in the muck. It must have felt funny because he kept dipping his hands in and out then just started splashing mud everywhere. It got all over his body and his face!

He ended up sitting down in the mud and just having a grand old time! The other mommies just laughed at him. I suppose he had to find mud eventually! I was ok with it until at the end he decided he wanted to come up and give me a big hug! EWWW!!! Thankfully they have a water spigot there and he got a full naked rinse down in the middle of the park before we went home.

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