Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tucson Snow: Round One

Saturday morning we went to the Foothills Mall to welcome Santa and play with the snow he brought in. I wasn't sure if Peter would be up for the craziness that comes when you dump a bunch of snow in Tucson, but Great-Grandpa Martin stepped in and helped Peter learn how to play in the snow.

He taught Peter how to make a snowball and tried over and over again to get him to throw the snowball at...HIS MOM!!! WHAT?!?! Crazy great-grandpa!

They kept their eyes out for mom to walk past...then Peter threw a snowball at my shoe!

Grandma Palmer took some snow and rubbed it on Peter's face. Brrr! I think he liked it.

Then she helped him build another snowball.

Peter even braved the crowd a little to go touch some more snow. He was funny. He touched it really gently with one finger like he was petting it.

It was such a beautiful day playing with the snow! Peter got some practice for when we go to Iowa for Xmas. Great-Grandpa was a bad influence by teaching him to throw snow at mommy, but I am grateful he was there to help Peter see the fun side of snow. Next it was time to go inside and see SANTA!!!

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