Sunday, November 22, 2009

Balloons & Bands

Friday night we all headed down to the U of A area. On the drive down Peter decided to steal Grandma D's glasses. He looked so studious in them. Do you think he'll blend in with all the other students there?

There was a big pep rally going on for the University of Arizona game the next day. Lots of excitement! One of the events going on was a hot air balloon glow. I thought that sounded pretty interesting and that Peter might enjoy it so we all went down to check it out.

There were only two balloons lit up when we got there. But one of them was the ReMax balloon. John's mom was excited because she is a ReMax agent and had never seen the balloon in person.

Peter just sat on dad's shoulders. He didn't quite know what to make of these crazy balloon and all the fire coming from them. They seemed massive!

What we really loved though was the Tucson High marching band that was playing nearby. We went over to listen to them for probably 30 minutes. They had a lot of energy and were dancing and grooving. We were right up close. Great-Grandpa enjoyed trying to identify all the xylophones, marimbas, and glockenspiels. Grandma had fun remembering her twirling days as a majorette in high school.

Peter liked the music too! He clapped along with the drums and cymbals.

After, we grabbed a quick bite to eat at a restaurant on campus. It was a late night for Peter, but I think he had fun. It was fun for all of us!

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