Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Going to the Car

This morning we left the house early for a playdate. It has been dropping into the 30's at night here and mornings are pretty cold so we get bundled up in sweatshirts and hats to stay warm. I also have started getting into a habit of packing a lunchbox of food for Peter when we leave the house. Just in case we are gone longer than expected or he gets hungry I always have some Peter approved food with us. It is so much easier than worrying about finding allergy-friendly food somewhere.

Walking to the car always takes a few extra minutes because we have to walk past the tennis court. We let Peter play in there often so he loves to go inside and just run around. Lately he loves to open and close the door. He is trying to say "close" now, it comes out more like "clow".

Just outside the tennis court there is a bunch of rocks. If the courts don't stop him the rocks will. He likes to stomp through the rocks instead of walking on the sidewalk.

Today he decided to sit next to a bush and play with the rocks.

Did you know that rocks are a lot like balls? They cause more damage though. I need to teach him not to throw rocks.

Finally! Peter and his lunch box made it out the apartment gate! Whew!

It may take a long time to get to the car, but look at that face! He has so much fun on his leisurely walks to the car. I fall in love with him all over again every time I see this big grin come across his face. He is such a great kid and I love getting to share my days with him. We are so blessed to have him in our lives!

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