Saturday, November 28, 2009

Snow: Round Two

After Santa we went back outside to the snow. The crowd had died down a bit so we decided to try it one more time. I mean, how often do we get to see snow in Tucson?!? Peter found a little hole someone dug in the snow and went to join another little boy.

He eventually claimed it as his own hole and sat right now in the snow in his little cave of ice. He was super happy in his cave.

Grandma Deanna and I played some defense from the bigger kids that were running around throwing snow. We each got on one side of Peter and tried to give him a little bubble of safety to play a little bit.

Peter loved sitting in the snow but it did result in a very wet bottom! His jeans were soaked from the snow. I ended up taking them off before we headed back to the car to drive home. I'll have to find some snow pants when we go to Iowa! I'm glad he got some practice with the snow though, it will be fun to show him more!

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