Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bountiful Harvest

Happy Thanksgiving to all our family and friends! We were lucky enough this year to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with John's family up in Phoenix. John had to work Thanksgiving Day so they were generous enough to move their celebration up a day so we could all be there.

John's mom had just gotten the results from her most recent pet scan. It was looking to see if any cancer had returned and we are happy to say that it came back negative just the day before. It made it an extra special day of thanks for all of us.

We went up to the Martin Great-Grandparents house in Phoenix about a 2 hour drive away. John's mom and dad were staying there and his aunt Marilyn also showed up in time for dinner. We spent the afternoon playing in the Martin's recently re-done backyard. It was gorgeous weather, probably mid-70s. We ended up having our Thanksgiving dinner under the gazebo in the backyard.

They have a beautiful backyard with a bunch of fruit trees. Peter was fascinated! Trees that grew balls!!!!! He quickly got a half dozen of them on the ground and spent several hours throwing and rolling them around the backyard.

Grandma Deanna helped teach him how to pick the fruit off the trees. Peter was in heaven with the endless supply of balls.

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