Thursday, November 26, 2009

Holiday Shopping

It's late Thanksgiving night and I'm debating whether to head out to the stores early on Black Friday. I don't have much $, but there is an excitement in the air that I kinda want to feel a part of this season. The stores open in a matter of hours but I have a feeling that sleep will win out tonight.

In the meantime, I did update the WISH LIST feature at the side of the blog. Ideas for Peter came pretty easily. Of course I just browsed through the aisles at Walmart earlier today! He is currently a sucker for anything Elmo. He also loves toy animals that make sounds. Trucks are always a safe bet too. It is so much fun to shop for him right now. I have a bunch of smaller presents for him already, but I'm still deciding on what the big "Santa present" will be this year.

As always I never really know what John or I would like.

John has been on a matcha tea kick lately so either tea or the mortar/pestal and whisk to mix it would be good. He's been dying for a GPS system since last Xmas so I am watching the sales for that. Probably a good idea since he sometimes gets lost driving to and from work if he has to go off his normal route for some reason. He also loves to BBQ quite a bit and I know he would like some fun BBQ accessories.

As for me, I have no clue. I could use a shopping spree for some new clothes. Post-baby body doesn't fit in my pre-baby clothes. :-( But I HATE other people buying me clothes so that's something I'll have to do for myself. I've been doing really good at couponing & saving $ lately. I need a coupon organizer thing so I can control them a little better. I also take a lot of photos and would love a flash drive to move them around easier.

Anyways, I updated the list tonight. If I think of anything else I will update it later. Good luck on your Black Friday shopping, if you are going. If not, enjoy your holiday weekend at home. Our Xmas lights will be up before the weekend is up!

Xmas here we come!

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