Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sharing a Fire Hat

Friday we got ready to go on a field trip to the fire station! Peter got all dressed up in his fire truck shirt and his fire hat. On the way to the car he offered to help mommy carry a big red bag. He is such a good helper.

It was a little windy and the fire hat kept wanting to fly off. Hold on tight, Peter!

We got to the fire station a little early so we went for a little walk to play in the rocks. Some of our friends were there wearing little animals on their backs so Peter wanted to wear his monkey too.

Twins Nathanial and Aiden really liked Peter's fireman hat so Peter offered to let them try it on.

They were having so much fun playing musical hats. I think it rotated between them 4 times! (Nathanial is so funny, when I ask him to "Say cheese" he basically gives me a big growl.)

After a few try-outs Peter finally got his hat back. Good sharing guys! Now lets go see some fire trucks!

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