Saturday, November 7, 2009

Stomach Flu

It's been a hard week in our house. Peter got sick with the stomach flu and has been under the weather for nearly the entire week. We've been battling an off and on fever, lack of appetite, days of sleeping, no energy, and lots of vomiting. We have probably washed his sheets and Chewy a dozen times this week. We've been to the doctor twice with not much advice other than "Keep doing what you are doing." It's hard to hear that when it feels like he isn't getting better.

It was very hard while John was working overnight because when Peter would get sick I'd have to clean him and comfort him while also trying to clean up and get new bedsheets on. I have been thankful that the past 2 days John has been off and able to help me. He's such a good dad. Peter has started calling out "Mom" and "Dad". It is the sweetest thing! When he isn't feeling good he really wants us both there with him.

Our neighbors at the 7/11 store gave John some alligator slippers for Peter. They are his first pair of slippers! Peter loves them so much he even wore them to the dr's office.

Peter is quickly learning that when he is sick he gets to watch lots of Sesame Street. John and I are going around the house humming their songs. He also gets to eat lots of crackers and pedialyte. This morning he seems to be doing a lot better. His appetite seems back and he wants to play and climb on the furniture. I'm hoping that means he is on the mend.

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