Sunday, February 28, 2010

Poor Baby!

Last week Peter was pretty sick and we stayed home most of the week. He held on to a temp of about 101 degrees for a couple of days and slept an awful lot. He got to spend lots of time cuddled up on the couch with his pillow, blanket and Chewy. Even our dog Gizmo kept cuddled up close to him to keep an eye on him.

Peter slept ALOT. He was coughing and had a runny nose. He liked to repeat "" I think because I kept saying "Poor baby..." and it became his way of saying he needed extra comfort. He now says it if he gets hurt or is super tired. He'll climb into my lap or want up in my arms and give me a super sad "Bay-beee" :(

He still has a runny nose sometimes and a little cough, but he is MUCH better this week. I hate when my baby is sick, there's only so much you can do! Thankfully he still had some smiles for me.

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