Monday, February 8, 2010

Guam - Tumon Bay

It was beach day this morning! We packed up the car and went down to Tumon Bay, the big tourist beach. It has a nice reef around it so the waves are a little more gentle for Peter.

Peter held daddy's hand and walked together into the Pacific Ocean!!

It was pretty windy at the beach today. We cuddled to stay warm.

Jen sat down in the sand to hold Peter so he could feel the waves. That only lasted until a big wave came and knocked us both in the face!! Peter thought it tasted funny, darn salt water!

Finally, Peter decided that it was fun to run into the waves!

It is a beautiful view at the beach, Two Lovers Leap was in the distance.

Peter also liked to run away from the waves.

After much playing we cuddled up in blankets to get dry and warm. Peter was so exhausted that he took a 3 hour nap after that!

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