Thursday, February 4, 2010

Guam - Day 2

We are beginning to adjust to Guam time. Peter slept 8 hours last night! Woohoo! Jen has a bad cold so is happy to get more sleep.

We went out to Chamorro Village Wednesday night for the big fiesta. They have lots of tourist stuff, tons of local food and music. It was fun to walk around.

John was excited to eat all the yummy food. Red rice, bbq talapia, mung beans, teriyaki chicken skewers. We are still on the search for lumpia though!!! Everywhere we go "just ran out"!

It was fun to smell all the bbq's going though. Crazy busy event! The asian tourists come by the busload.

Peter is waking up around 4am every day and we wait for the sun to come up. The minute it does he goes outside to play.

We spent the morning of Day 2 buying some supplies and toys at Kmart. John needed some new Zorris aka flip-flops and I needed some super intense sunscreen, I get burned real easy on my meds. Peter got some blocks and trucks to take to the beach. In the afternoon we drove around the south side of the island while Peter napped then stopped for a late lunch at Jeff's Pirates Cove.

Peter played with the Japanese and Chinese tourists while we ate burgers and red rice. Peter is VERY popular with the other tourists. They love his blonde hair and blue eyes. It is so fun to watch. There is no language barrier, they just toss a ball back and forth and laugh together. He is on numerous people's vacation pictures and videos.

We then came home and hung out at grandma and grandpa's house for the rest of the day. Peter had fun building towers with grandpa.

His favorite Kmart purchase though is the "bath" for outside. We set up a kiddie pool in the front yard in the shade of a palm tree. Peter spends half of our at home time yelling to go in the "BATH!!!!"

Peter got to go for a swim while John struck up the grill to make some pork chops and chicken for dinner. As the sun set it got a little chilly outside so we tried to pull a shivering Peter out of the pool and wrap him in a towel.

I was very happy when he went to bed at 7pm, his normal bedtime. He still woke up at 3am, but hey, its progress!

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