Saturday, February 6, 2010

Guam - Day 3

Day three in Guam was jet lag recovery day. Jen had a bad cold in Tucson and the lack of sleep staying up with jet lagged Peter made it come back full force. She spent the morning sleeping while John and Grandma Deanna took Peter down to a playground to play.

He had a great time. Thankfully he played so hard that his naptime and bedtime schedule fell right into place and he is now napping and going to bed at the correct times. Woohoo! The jet lag bump is over!!

At night Grandma and Grandpa offered to watch Peter so John and Jen could go out to watch the Avatar movie in 3D. We had planned to do dinner after the movie but the 3D effects gave us a little motion sickness so we just headed home. It was a quiet day, but definitely needed.

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