Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guam - Day One

After about 22 hours of traveling we arrived safely in Guam last night. Flying was actually pretty smooth and we even had a seat for Peter on every plane. He quietly played and slept the entire way. Thank goodness for some Elmo videos. We landed at about 8pm Guam time and Peter did NOT want to sleep even though that is all mom and dad wanted to do. He ended up running around, took a two hour nap then we played in the kitchen waiting for the sun to come up.

As the sun came up we went outside to explore grandma & grandpa's yard. They have green grass, palm trees, flowers, and a nice chair to sit in and watch the sun come up. The highlight though was when the school bus came by. Peter started yelling "Bus! Bus!!"

Peter brought mommy some of her favorite flowers: plumeria.

We were thinking of going shopping, but Peter fell asleep finally in the car so we took the long drive to the north side of the island to see all the changes that have taken place. We ended up at a beautiful beach.

Peter woke up and joined us on the beach with a shovel and he went crazy digging in the sand.

It was like a giant sandbox!

I tried to take him into the waves but a big one surprised us and almost reached his waist! After that he was a little scared to get too close to one.

He ended up grabbing great big handfuls of sand and whenever a wave would come up after him he'd throw the sand at it to "scare" it away.

We had such a great time during our first visit to the beach! It is so nice to be back "home" in Guam. Everything from the smell of the flowers and bbq's to the sound of roosters in the front yard in the morning. We are excited and smiling constantly! Can't wait to see what is next!

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