Saturday, October 3, 2009

Toy Store Storytime

The toy store near our home has a storytime once a week and we joined some friends there for some playtime! It's a little challenging though. They hold the storytime outside in the mall courtyard so it is impossible to get Peter to sit still for a story, there are way too many other things to explore. I have started arriving 15 minutes late so we don't disturb the actual story and just arrive for playtime.

That seems to work pretty well. Peter gets to see his friends, run around a little, chase some bubbles and play with the toys in the toy store. He even climbed on a broken fountain to put his ball on top of the pipe. It fit perfectly.

He also loved going in the little playtents they have set up inside the store. He and a friend, Cam, kept playing peek-a-boo through all the windows and doors.

I stuck my camera in one of the portholes of the tent and got this shot!

Peter's favorite part is visiting the fountains. If he had his choice that would probably be all he did there. He wants to just climb in!

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