Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Potty Training Introduction

We are just beginning to introduce Peter to "the potty". He knows that he has his own potty and will sit on it when we go into the bathroom. And he is starting to recognize when he gets a dirty diaper and comes running at me pulling on it trying to get it off. Today he came to me tugging on his diaper but nothing had happened yet. I decided to try an experiment!

I took his diaper off and we went to go sit on the potty. I brought in some books to read and we sang a "Pee-pee on the Potty" conga song and he would stand up then sit down. I turned the water faucet on and kept telling him it was time to go pee-pee in the potty. After about 20 minutes he looked me straight in the eyes and for the first time said "pee-pee!" Then got up ran to his bedroom, crouched and peed behind his door.

I figured I should mark it as a success... At least he learned what "pee-pee" was!

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