Friday, October 30, 2009

Peter's New Hat

It has been COLD here this week. Last weekend I was getting a sunburn in a tank top but Tuesday the temperature dropped like crazy. The high was in the 50's and nighttime was getting into the 30's! I was caught off guard! I need to go buy Peter some warmer clothes!

The day before the temps were supposed to drop I did go out shopping and picked Peter up a new hat from Old Navy. His baseball cap was just not going to cut it.

He loves his new hat! Especially the poof-ball on top of it!

And it has all kinds of colors on it so hopefully it will "match" whatever he is wearing, including this spiderman jacket I found.

Peter has stayed all toasty warm during this cold spell! Its nice to have some cooler weather, but wow that was a shock to our system! Time to turn the heater on!

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