Saturday, October 3, 2009

Puddle Stomping (Video)

Last night we had some crazy rain storms come through. When we awoke this morning it was nice and cool, maybe even chilly in the 60's! I opened the windows the air out the house and also to let some of the humidity inside. When Peter woke up he saw the nice weather and wanted to go outside. I put his shoes on and we took a ball to play in the tennis court. When we got there it was covered in big puddles! What fun!

Peter hasn't gotten to experience many puddles so he had lots of fun just running around in them splashing and stomping. Water went everywhere! He even sat down in the middle of the puddle! Ai-ai-ai!

I couldn't resist I had to run inside and grab my camera. I even got a little video, he was having so much fun! We also had a little game of tennis. He would get on his tip-toes and throw his ball over the net to me and I would throw it back. I always threw the ball into the middle of a puddle so he could get some more splashing and giggles!

After sitting in a puddle I thought that Peter needed a bath. We came inside and I decided to spoil him with a nice warm bubble bath.

Peter LOVES bubble baths. He likes to try and eat the bubbles, but usually just ends up looking like he has a white beard like Grandpa Jim. After his bath it was time to put on some comfy clothes then read a few books. This made him sleepy so he went to bed for his morning nap.

It's a lot of work to play in the puddles. Here's a video of Peter's puddle work out!

1 comment:

Oma Cindy said...

Great Pictures! Nature is the greatest game. I always loved watching you guys play in the water. How fun!!! Thanks for posting so many pictures Jen. Love you guys!