Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tombstone, the Town Too Tough to Die

What a whirlwind month this has been! Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Jim just left after visiting us for the past week. We've gone on many adventures around Tucson and they helped get our life in order a little bit more. It's been crazy! Between my visit to Iowa and this visit I probably have about 700 new pictures to go through! Hopefully I can get some of them on the blog soon!

One of our favorite outings with Grandma & Grandpa was a family day trip to Tombstone, the town too tough to die. It's the home of the OK Corral, Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, the Bird Cage Theatre. It is now a huge tourist trap honoring the Old West. We had so much FUN!

After putting on our sunscreen for the day and heading into the old west part of town we heard a gun fight was about to ensue! We headed over to watch the show. Peter was having fun until the bad guys came out onto the stage and everyone went "BOOOOOOOO!!!!" He started crying and weeping and sobbing. Just as he was catching his breath another bad guy came out.

Audience: BOOOO!!!
Audience: YAY!!! (for the good guys)
Peter: Hiccup hiccup (Catching his breath)
Audience: BOOOOO!!!!
Peter: WAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

He was starting to steal all the attention from the gun fight!! Plus he was just too stressed out by all the negative energy. Grandma Cindy decided to take Peter away and let him play somewhere else while we watched the show. Jen ended up getting called up for audience participation. Yay! The sheriff let me shoot the bad guys!

While we were busy killing bad guys Peter got to play some mini-golf. He likes that there is a bright colorful ball involved but he had trouble figuring out what the club was for. We did teach him to put the ball in the hole a few times. He didn't want to return the ball at the end though. He wanted to take it home!

Our little cowboy!! Howdy pard'ner!

Peter is so busy these days! He wants to run everywhere. He was barely in his stroller the entire day. He just wanted to walk the streets like a big boy. Eating lunch out was hard, just like any meal these days. Waiting for food to come is not his forte. It's boring! Everyone tried to entertain him by making faces, but eventually he just ran around the saloon until food came.

One neat thing about Tombstone is that they have closed some of the roads to cars and the only transportation coming through is horses and carriages. Peter kept trying to get closer to the horses to investigate.

John playing the outlaw!

Peter stealing Grandpa's hat.

Jen entertaining on the piano. (Oh my gosh, I was so scared I'd knock it over or break it! I literally asked the guy how much weight it could take. Scary!)

Grandpa, Peter, and John playing a round of poker. (Corrupting my baby already!)

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