Saturday, August 22, 2009

Playdate with Lilah

Friday morning we were invited to a playdate at our friend Lilah's house. She's about 2 weeks older than Peter but Peter towers over her. Guess my boy isn't the tiniest kid around!

There were 4 kids running around her house and exploring all the "new" toys. Lilah and Peter kept getting hungry. There were yummy breakfast cassaroles and we brought some fruit to eat. Peter kept downing the grapes and watermelon.

It was super cute when they decided to be "big kids" and sit at the big table. Peter really wanted to share the chair with Lilah, thankfully their two bottoms both fit!

Our friend Elyse and her two kids came. Her boy is older than Peter and has all kinds of allergies. She is a really good resource for finding foods Peter can eat.

Peter was also fascinated by this train. It had parts that moved and spun when you rolled it across the floor.

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