Thursday, August 20, 2009

Drum Circle

This week we decided to take Peter to check out the 17th Street Farmer's Market. I'd heard about it a few times, but we had never been. They have all kinds of "exotic" products. Basically it looked like the ultimate Guam supermarket mixed with some hippie organic products. They also had a drum circle going that night in the music store next door.

We roamed the market's aisles for nearly an hour. They were stuffed with all kinds of asian imports, every kind of rice you could imagine, awesome fish selection, and tons of products that John remembers from Micronesia. (Sadly, no boonie peppers.) It was neat to see some familiar things though. Now we know where to go for asian food!

We then headed into the drum circle. Peter and I sat down and joined, hitting on drums with everyone else. They had little noisemakers for him to shake and he bounced and swayed along to the beat. He made a few friends that let him beat on their drums too.

John couldn't stay in the room because his eardrum got perforated when he was in the army and the echoes of the drumming really rattled his ears. He happily spent the extra time browsing the market baby-free.

It made me think I need to find some more musical things to do with Peter. He loves music and instantly dances or claps whenever he hears it. We'll have to see what more we can do!

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