Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mud Monster!!!

This morning John went to work and I decided to be brave and take Peter to the 3rd Annual Mud Monster Party at Reid Park. It's a free event that brings in a bunch of mud, sets up obstacle courses to race through, mud volleyball, mud art, and just about every kinds of messy muddy thing you can imagine! The fire department is also there with their hoses to spray everybody clean at the end. In general, it is messy muddy chaos. I figured I need to let Peter experience it!! Here's our before picture!

John helped me pack up the car the night before with some towels and a few gallons of water to rinse off with after. This morning we just grabbed some dirty clothes, a few things to eat and drink, slathered on the sunscreen and took off. We got there right at 8am when it started but stood in line for probably an hour to get in. There were hundreds of people there. Gosh it was hot! Probably well in the 90's by 8am. We tried to stay in the shade.

I took the bare essentials in a ratty backpack and my "broken" camera which didn't always want to work. Thankfully I still got some good pics. We met up with our friends Stephanie and Jack and played with them in the toddler pools for a little bit. Peter was fascinated with all the exhibits and kept trying to run off and explore everything that was going on.

One ramada was set up with a big mud table. Peter liked this better than the pool. The texture of the mud was thicker and fun to put his hands in. He took one of the cups of mud and dumped it down the entire front of his shirt. I think he even tried to drink the mud from the cup! Yuck!!

He is such a nice boy. He kept wanting to share his new finds. "Look mom! This mud feels so cool! Want some?!?!" He found a rubber ducking buried in the mud and kept trying to give it to other kids and mommies. He is so good at sharing!

After the mud table we wandered over towards the fire hoses to rinse off but the pressure was just too intense and the crowd was full of big people. There was a neat little river run-off that was about ankle deep so we just went down stream and played in the river for a bit.

The river was fun to splash in! It made the water go everywhere! The bigger kids were going crazy running up and down the river and sliding headfirst into the puddles. It was nuts!

Since we couldn't safely get to the fire hoses I made Peter rinse his hands off in the river. Probably not the cleanest option, but it got the worst of it until we could get back to the car.

The river was pretty big by the time we left at 10:30am. The fire hose was going like crazy in the distance (see the big puff of white). We went and got a bottle of water and headed for the hayride shuttle to take us back to the car.

When we got to the car I laid a towel on the parking lot next to our car, stripped Peter down and rinsed him off with the gallon of water I kept in my car. It was nice and warm from the sun. After getting a clean diaper on I strapped him into the car seat. I took off my grimy, soaking tennis shoes and put on some flip-flops then laid out towels on my seat. All the wet stuff got thrown into a big trash bag and thrown into the trunk. We happily drove home sucking down ice cold water. Peter passed out in his car seat. Don't worry...he will definitely be getting a good scrub down at home when he wakes up from his nap!

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