Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Climbing Trees

At the park today Peter found a low hanging tree that he was almost able to climb. Mommy helped him to get in the little crook of the tree trunk and Peter thought it was the coolest thing! He has been learning what a tree is this week and going up to pet them a lot.

Anyways, while he was stuck mommy got out the camera and I think these are some of the best pictures I have ever taken of him!!! Peter was smiling at the camera, kept giving me big grins and showing off those teeth!

He's such a handsome kid! How on earth did John and I create such a looker!?!?!

Towards the end he started making funny faces...

But he thought those funny faces were hilarious and flashed me a big grin right afterwards.

1 comment:

Angel said...

I LOVE these pictures too! What a cutie pie!