Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New tricks!

Peter's new skills this week:

Started trying to walk down stairs WITHOUT holding on to anything!! And succeeded!

Is walking backwards...moonwalk baby!

Can jump and get both his feet off the ground.

Walks on his tip toes and likes elevating on them. (These are all skills of a 2 or 2 1/2 year old!)

Started hiding behind the side of the couch then bouncing up and flashing us a smile so we say "Peekaboo!"...then hiding again. Tonight he started saying "Boo!" when he did it!

Understands the word "No" and doesn't like that word, has started whining about it.

Sometimes in protest he will pull away from me, drop to his knees and turn into a lead weight. Mainly this is when we are out and trying to get from Point A to Point B. He'll drop to the ground and just sit there. Every once in a while he's even laid on his stomach. He doesn't really complain, just sits in passive resistance. So frustrating!!!

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