Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Racquetball BBQ

I REALLY needed to go out on the town last weekend. I was itching and itching to be out in the "real world". Then I remembered the racquetball club. The local one offers Friday night poolside BBQ's that are open to the public for free. We put on our swimsuits and hit the town!

It was SO much fun! It was very family friendly with kids running around everywhere. The pool was a little crazy and we had already been to the splashpad that morning and had gotten a bath already so we let Peter explore the grass and the tennis courts with his ball that we brought.

We saw a few of our friends from storytime there and Peter played with them a little bit. He is learning how to "kick" balls right now. Basically he just walks INTO the ball and it moves, but he knows how to move it and direct it to where he wants it to go using his little baby shuffle style.

They have a live band that was playing classic rock tunes. Their chef was manning the grill making burgers, hot dogs, chicken and salmon and they had fresh watermelon. The bartender was mixing drinks. John got a beer, we broke out our snacks and bought a few things to eat, laid out on a blanket and listened to the band as the sun set.

Peter and a bunch of little kids were drawn to the tennis courts. They ended up taking over the one closest to our blanket and the little kids had fun bouncing balls and rolling them around. Peter found an abandoned tennis ball and it became his new favorite.

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