Saturday, May 23, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Just a quick update to let you know that Peter and I made it home safe to Tucson. The return flight was another quick connection. I had just enough time for a bathroom break and to grab a quick snack to go then got to my gate as they were loading. Phew! Peter was a little cranky and wiggley because he never got time to walk or play. Thankfully he didn't fuss enough to disturb people but he definitely made it known to me that he was bored and cranky.

Since we've been home John had a tooth pulled, we've been to Gymboree for a playdate, gone grocery shopping, and we went to the $1 flip flop sale at Old Navy. We've barely had time to relax and get used to being home.

We sure had a great time being able to see family. Peter got spoiled with tons of attention and had the best time playing with his grandma, great-grandmas, aunt, and cousins. Thanks to everyone who helped me out with Peter while we were there! It can be hard always being the only parent around. I appreciated having a break every once in a while.

The best part is we are going back in July for family reunions on both sides of our families! Fun! I'll try to get to pictures over the next couple days and post some of our Iowa adventure.

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