Monday, May 4, 2009

Going to the Zoo

Today we went to the zoo with our mom's group. It was fun to watch Peter as he really saw and watched the animals. Each time we go he notices more things and is more interactive. Today he rode the elephant statue as we looked at the elephants. They were BIG!

"Look mom, Look! Over there! What's that!?"

Those are giraffes. They are TALL.


Peter thought the giraffes were really fun!

Halfway through the park we stopped and played with the other kids a little bit.

Peter liked to pretend he was a turtle.

Then we sat down and had a snack of Cheerio's and apple juice.

The group moved on but Peter still wanted more snack so we took it on the go.

At the end it was reaching 90 degrees so we decided to play in the zoo splashpark. At first Peter was a little scared of all the water spraying and sprinkling everywhere. Then we found this little water pump with a small puddle. Peter liked to stomp in the water.

Peter got VERY wet but we had planned on that and changed his clothes before heading home. It was a fun morning!

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