Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Great-Grandma Langmann's Yard

Whenever we go to visit Iowa Great-Grandma Langmann is generous enough to put us up in her house. For years after my family left Iowa she has opened her home when we return and it has become our home away from home. We are grateful to have such a welcoming place to visit.

This visit she had a crib set up in one of the bedrooms just for Peter. My dad set it up while he was there last month. It was so nice to be able to put Peter in a crib, he felt more at home in that than in a pack-n-play.

We had a lot of fun at Great-Grandma's house. She had so many rooms to explore and an entire backyard. Peter kept going to the patio door and banging on the glass to get let outside onto the porch or in the backyard. He would play out there nearly every morning. We made sure to feed the birds so that they would come to eat.

Oma Cindy kept watch over Peter whenever he went outside. She would even go out in her pjs with her coffee to watch him on the deck.

One of Peter's favorite things to do was to go around the deck and pet all the animal statues. There were deer, squirrels, birds, and lots more "animals" to pet.

He even started picking them up and moving them around the porch. I think he rearranged her entire setup!

Great-Grandma didn't seem to mind though. She came outside and Peter took her on a walk around the back yard.

It was nice to be able to go outside and play there. You don't really have to worry as much about the heat like you do in Tucson. Here I have to start thinking about having him inside by 10am so he doesn't overheat.

Peter loved being surrounded in all the green grass and trees!

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