Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jealousy Rears its Ugly Head

Peter has been having a rough time with his diaper rash and yesterday the doctor told us that it looks like he has a cow's milk protein intolerance AND a soy milk protein intolerance. So I'm struggling on what I can feed him. I've been feeding him solid foods and water and a small amount of juice. He has not had any milk since we left the the doctor yesterday. And he is begging me for some.

He got MAD at me today. We went to a BBQ picnic with our mommy group and a bunch of kids. There were probably a dozen babies under one that just kinda rolled around on the blankets in the shade.

We all kinda watch each others kids and at one point I was left watching the 6 month old boy whose momma was at the grill making burgers. It was fun to play with him, stand him up, and make faces at him. Peter just kinda watched me and came over and set next to me. Well at one point the baby was hungry and obviously wanted some milk. Someone brought over a bottle and gave it to me. I tipped it back for the baby and Peter went LIVID!!!!

Peter put a big mean face on and started clawing at me, trying to climb in my lap on top of the baby. He kept trying to grab the bottle away from the baby and was trying to hit the baby! And he wasn't stopping!

I finally had to ask one of the other mommies to take over feeding so I could deal with Peter. I feel so bad that I can't just give him the milk that he wants, I know that's gotta be rough. And then seeing me giving it to another baby just PISSED HIM OFF. Poor boy.

We didn't stay too much longer after that. It was just getting to be too much with all the bottles coming out and the sun blazing down on us. I'll be glad when Thursday comes, I have an appointment to see our regular doctor and discuss what I CAN feed him.

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