Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chewy's Favorite Iowa Memories

Peter's favorite lovey, Chewy had a great time in Iowa! He stayed by Peter's side often and got to do a lot of new things! Chewy helped Peter when he was tired and we had to be at the airport at 4am to catch our flight.

He talked Peter into stealing Aunt Angel's hat and putting it on his head.

She didn't seem to mind though. Everyone thought it was cute that he knew what a hat was and that it goes on your head.

When Peter wasn't able to steal other people's hats Chewy graciously offered to cover his head.

At Great-Aunt Kim's house Peter and Chewy got to learn how to play the piano. It's actually the piano that was in my house growing up. Peter loved to bang the keys to make music. Poor Chewy got a few slams on the keys in the process.

They also got into a few wrestling matches with cousin Allison. Chewy helped keep her down!

One of Chewy's favorite days was at the park. Peter took him around to show him the green grass and trees. They don't see that much in Tucson, AZ.

Hugs with Chewy, Peter, Mom, and Grandma.

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