Saturday, November 8, 2008

Yard Sales

Another Saturday another Yard Sale binge! Yard sales have become my new past time. I'm getting to be a pro at them. I now search the ads the night before then Saturday morning Peter and I get dressed all warmly and head on out to greet the sun and the morning deals. One good thing about a "bad" means good yard sales!

Today I headed to a sale that I knew had some baby toys I wanted. And scored! It was hard to pick and choose and pass things over! We got a few fun toys there...they even gave Peter a stuffed SpongeBob. Peter always gets extra stuff just because he is so cute.

After that I noticed that there was a flea market/rummage sale at a church down the street so we headed there. OH MY GOD what craziness!!! It was insane. I'll have to keep an eye out for them next year so I can rent a U-Haul. I could have gotten my whole place refurbished. They had all kinds of furniture, cars, a boat, an RV, books, movies, toys, kitchen stuff....they even had an old Commodore 64 computer...I've heard John talk about them but never seen them. I had gotten there the last day though so most of the smaller things were picked over. But I got a grocery bag for $2 and was able to fill it with books, a few movies, a puppet, a small lamp.

The church ladies at the sale just loved Peter. He just sits up in his stroller looking around at everyone with big wide eyes. One older grandpa guy commented how he was so well behaved. Never makes a peep just watches everyone.

I hit probably a dozen yard sales total today but that rummage sale was quite the experience. I'm starting to buy into the philosophy that there are very few things you need to buy new. Kinda makes me flinch sometimes when I see people waste $$ on simple things you find used everywhere. Like books, I think I should probably stay out of bookstores. They are so overpriced these days!

Oh, my biggest pet peeve though is that it is super hard to find little boy clothes! I don't know what the deal is with that! Baby girl clothes are EVERYWHERE!!!! But boy stuff seems almost non-existant. Maybe its because with baby girls people statistically buy more clothes for them, or maybe boys wear them out more, or maybe there are less boys being born.... I don't know, but its an interesting observation.

I've also been thinking that Peter doesn't really need much of anything for Xmas. He has tons of toys, books, clothes. And what he doesn't have I'd rather spend $0.25 for than have someone spend $20 on. I'd rather he be able to be signed up for the community playgroup or Gymboree or something. I don't know I'll have to think about that. Right now he's got plenty of toys packed away that I can wrap up later. That feels good.

Soon I really have to get my own little sale going and make room for all the new finds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're too funny. I'm glad you are starting to love yard sales. I've always enjoyed looking for deals. Now you have gotten the bug too. Love you!!!!