Saturday, November 22, 2008

Playdate at Katy's

We went over to our friend Katy's house for a playdate earlier this week and played with 4 other babies and mommies. Peter was very low-key and tired that day. I think he's just teething again. He wanted to be with mom and cuddle alot more than usual. He did get a chance to get down and play a little though. It's funny how the babies barely notice each other...they will start crawling and just plow over one another!

We did get to try out Jack's (Katy's son) little table toy. I think I'm gonna start looking for one at yard sales. It's perfect for Peter to stand up and have something to play with that also supports him. When he pulls himself up to the couch there are not many toys other than mommy and daddy. We keep taking away remote controls, books, cell phones...he needs a toy he can stand up and play with.

Mid-playgroup Peter fell asleep in my lap. His head got all sweaty and when he woke up his hair was a mess. I decided to style it into a little mohawk and that's how it stayed the rest of the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you wonder what goes on in the little heads when they do notice each other. Peter looks so tired in the picture with the hair-do. Poor fella. Someday he'll look at the hair and say "Mom! How could you!"