Saturday, November 1, 2008

Getting better but not quite there...

It's the day after Halloween. Peter is down for the night so I thought that we'd start a little web blog for our family and friends to stay updated on our life.

My name is Jen and my husband is John. But the main focus for this blog will be on our son Peter. He is 6 months, 3 weeks old today.

We've had a rough couple of days. Thursday around 3am Peter awoke with a 102 degree fever. I think it's teething related because his second and third teeth are really starting to poke out. All day Thursday he had a sad little wimper and a soaring temperature that I tried to control as best I could with Tylenol. By the end of the day the crying and wimpering started a runny/stuffy nose and a hoarse voice.

Thursday night I basically stayed up all night making sure he was held upright and could kinda sorta breathe. He kept just stopping breathing sometimes and every time my heart stops with it.

Friday was Halloween, his FIRST Halloween. And it was my husband's and my anniversary. But between not sleeping the night before and Peter still sick it was basically just a "get through the day" kinda day. Sorta sad, wish we could have a re-do when he is better.

We did get to the doctor on Friday which was good. Peter's 6 month check up. He is 28 inches long and 17.4 lbs. Basically freakishly tall and skinny. That's my boy!

I was grateful to get some advice on making Peter feel better and some verification that I needn't worry too much. We are doing the tylenol thing still, saline drops and have our humidifier on full blast.

Now that its Saturday we are still under the weather but I had alot more smiles today than the past couple days. I'm glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, he gets his height from you and his skinny frame from his papa. We shouldn't be surprised. I wonder how tall he'll get someday.