Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday snoozing

John got up for work today to find that he had gotten hit with whatever bug Peter and I have. He ended up calling into work and staying home to sleep in. That seemed to help him alot. By the time he woke up mid-morning he had alot more energy.

I made scrambled eggs and cinnamon rolls for breakfast Yumm! I tried going generic on the cinnamon rolls...not quite the same. There wasn't nearly enough icing to cover everything. Think I'll end up going back to Pillsbury, some things are just worth the $$.

After breakfast Peter went down for a nap and I decided to sleep too. I'm still not feeling great. My ears hurt and my throat is sore. Apparently I really needed it because when Peter woke up from his nap John got him and let me sleep. I slept another 3 hours or more! After several nights of getting up every hour or two to deal with baby Peter I certainly needed it!

The day continued with short naps and just some relaxation at home all day. Read the Sunday paper, clipped coupons, watched Speed Racer... I am very glad John stayed home from work today so that we ALL could take our turns relaxing, resting and getting this cold bug to subside.

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