Sunday, November 9, 2008

Peter's Chair

Last week after Peter's Dr appointment I stopped by a garage sale on the way home and found a great little chair for Peter to sit in. It sings, plays music, and is just lots of fun. There's a button in the seat that makes the music go off and he's figured out how to hit it to play music. One of the best yard sale buys yet.

Sometimes he'll go over next to it and kneel down then bounce up and down in his diaper when the music plays. It is the most adorable thing!!! He also tries to pull himself into standing then knocks the whole thing over. I've moved it against the couch now so it has more leverage but mainly I just have to keep a close eye on him.

Of course, when I got the camera out IT looked like more fun than his chair....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He has the cutest smile ever!!!!!