Wednesday, March 4, 2009

He's Walking!!! (video)

It's been a long couple of days. I (Jen) had some growths removed from my eyelids last Friday and have been icing red, stitched up, swollen blurry eyes. I even have a lovely black eye to show for it. To top it off my allergies kicked in so my nose is all stuffed up and my eyes are even more swollen and itchy. ACK! NOT FUN!!!

As a result, we've stayed home a lot the last week. Mom has been in bed, Dad has been working, going to school, AND stepping up to the plate in taking care of Peter his sick wife. I found a claritan and when it made me feel much better he went to the store late at night to make sure I had more for the next day. It's been a little crazy, but he's been AWESOME!

Today I've been feeling a little better and John got off work early so I thought I'd get the video camera out and try to capture some video of Peter walking. And we had success! So here it is! Our baby boy starting to walk at 10 months old!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Peter! You ARE AWESOME!!!
and aren't glasses fun too.

Great video. He's so big too.

Nana Dee

Anonymous said...

Look at the boy! I love seeing the wobbles. I can't wait to get there this summer. Thanks for sharing! It makes my day, everyday.