Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tennis, Anyone?

Tonight when John got home from work we decided to go to our apartment's tennis court and let Peter and Gizmo run around a little.

Peter thought it'd be fun to try to destroy the fence. Roar!!!

Wait, what's this net thing in the middle of our play area??

It's like a wall...but not!

We raced Gizmo, our dog, back and forth down the tennis net. Gizmo is fast!!

Peter liked to walk along the fence for something to hold onto. Gizmo liked to follow him.

We brought out the walker, but Peter didn't use it much. It's more fun to walk without it.

Walking with dad. It was a good way to spend our evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That tennis court is perfect for Peter to run and play. He looks like he's having fun. Dad and dog look happy too. It's so fun to see life with the Palmer Family. Love you,