Saturday, March 21, 2009

Getting Ready to Leave

So I'm getting ready to leave this morning to go to yard sales. I get my iPod charged up, get my cell phone, get a drink for me, juice for Peter, change diaper, dress Peter, feed and water the pets, load the diaper bag. I get everything in my arms. Juggle the diaper bag, drinks and Peter out to the car. Load everything in the car. Strap Peter into his car seat. Give him some juice. Walk around to my side of the car, sit down...and guess what??

I forgot my keys.

SO...I get Peter out of the carseat. And since I have no keys I can't unlock the apartment gate. So we walk around the complex to 4 different doors until I find one that's open. All the while carrying my 20 lb baby.

Finally I'm in the apartment and can get the keys, but while I'm getting them Peter decides its fun to dump over the dog's water dish...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my! What a pain! Thankfully you hadn't locked your apartment and you weren't stuck outside all day long!. Glad it wasn't too hard to solve that problem. Love you!