Thursday, March 26, 2009

Relaxing on our Deck

It's been hovering near 80 degrees the past week or two and we've been spending alot of time outside and just enjoying the weather. We have a nice deck to sit out on and have been letting Peter explore it a bit.

He seems to understand that the sun is a little hotter and the shade is nice and cool. He has his own chair that I got at a yard sale, but its still a little too big for him to fit into properly. Instead, he enjoyed pushing it around with him and babbling like it was a car.

Just outside our deck there are sprinklers that pop up throughout the day to keep the grass green. When they popped up Peter went toddling out to investigate.

Daddy tried to help so Peter wouldn't fall face first into the sprinkler.

The sprinklers were fun to touch. Peter tried to grab the water and ended up getting all wet.

He walked up and down our sidewalk and fell into the water and mud a couple times when he strayed off the sidewalk. His pants ended up needing a good scrubbing and so did he!

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